Grassland Groupies

Grassland Groupies

the grasslands PR team

A collage of four photos shows our various engagement in 2024, with youth programs, our bumblebee petting zoo, volunteers installing a native garden, and a volunteer teaching families about native seeds.

Your environmental ed specialists.

Grasslands are a human habitat. They are our home, and their conservation, now more than ever, depends upon people who are empowered and inspired to protect them.

Grassland Groupies is a women- and queer-owned nonprofit focused on education and science literacy. We stoke curiosity, build scientific literacy, and rekindle a love for our planet’s most delicate ecosystems.

This has been our mission for the last four years, and we’re happy to say that our staff, along with our volunteers and community partners, have accomplished this work in record numbers in 2024.

This Giving Tuesday, we have new ways to support us; buy extras from ICT Bee Fest, bid on experience packages, or contribute to the Evergreen Library & Community Center Native Garden project.

Receive news from our team.

Our Mission

Inspiring conservation of grasslands.


Civic engagement, outdoor exploration, science literacy


Curiosity, action, learning, and discovery


Foster and develop bonds between people and their ecosystems.

“The first step in conserving anything is an awareness of the value of its existence. Without getting to know an animal, plant, or person, one can intellectually respect is right to life but one cannot truly feel its worth or know what is required to save it.”
Con Slobodchikoff
"Prairie Dogs"

Shop our merch store.

Original in-house designs that support us directly.

Bee City Wichita

Our local project in partnership with the City of Wichita and Xerces Society.

Events Calendar

Our 2024 events are over, so check back soon when we launch our 2025 program lineup.

Podcast: The Best Biome

Prairie biologists make the ever-growing argument for why grasslands are the world’s best biome.

Our flagship family-friendly podcast, The Best Biome has reached over 10,000 listeners with fans all over the globe.

Podcast: Filthy Animals

We believe it’s mission critical to help our community practice science literacy. Filthy Animals dives into the science topics that educators are often too embarrassed to talk about.

This new podcast is a fun and fascinating dive into real studies and science for mature audiences.

Donate to support our work.

Because Grassland Groupies is a small, grassroots public charity, your donation goes a long way and makes a huge material difference for our organization.

Your support and involvement furthers our educational mission to inspire the conservation of grasslands through building community, sparking curiosity, and engaging more teens and adults in conservation and our civic responsibilities.

Grassland Groupies Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. EIN: 86-2282759
No goods or services will be provided in exchange for this contribution except our eternal gratitude.