Grasslands of the World
This ambitious page is a huge undertaking, and we’re so excited to share the final result with you when it’s ready.
Tropical Grasslands
Tropical grasslands (savannas) are often dotted with trees and even covered with a loose canopy at times. The always-warm climate alternates between a dry and wet season, so savannas may be subject to flooded or arid conditions.

Australian Grasslands
Mostly arid or semi-arid, the grasslands of Australia are often a very harsh place with extreme droughts, fires, and floods. Some of the grasslands are more traditional oceans of grass, while others are dotted by trees or broken up by “faerie rings”.

The Cerrado is the little sister of the Amazon Rainforest, and the most biodiverse grassland in the world. With vibes like a natural orchard, the ancient Cerrado is a beautiful, complex ecosystem shaped by fire and drought.

African Savannas
Covering more land than the entire USA, Africa’s savannas are as iconic as they are expansive. Megafauna dominate these well-known landscapes, including the Serengeti, Sudanian Savanna, and Miombo.

The Llanos of the Orinoco basin of Venezuela and Colombia are savannas under severe threat. Flooding each year by the Orinoco river drives back the scattered trees.
Temperate Grasslands
Semi-arid desert and steppe grasslands cover 14% of the world. These grasslands have four distinct seasons with warm summers and cold winters.

Eurasian Steppe
Spanning across Europe and Asia the Eurasian Steppe is about 5,000 miles long and is home to only the toughest of animals that can survive its bitter cold winters and short summers.

North American Prairie (The Great Plains)
Spanning three climate zones, the Great Plains has its own range of tallgrass, mixed grass, and arid shortgrass prairies. As the rainfall changes from East to West so do the plants and animals that call each area home.

Fertile grasslands of South America spanning Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil.
Desert Grasslands
The desert grasslands of the world are located between true deserts and what is often a shrubby landscape associated with mountains. These grasslands are very unique and host a wide range of equally unique plants and animals.

Patagonian Desert Grasslands
A special case of grasslands that span South America. This grassland is very dry, but certainly not devoid of life.

North American Desert Grasslands
Chihuahuan desert grassland, Sonoran desert grassland, and others in Mexico and southwestern states are all included here.
Montane Grasslands
Grasslands like the Kinabalu Montane Alpine Meadows (Malaysia) and Southland montane grasslands (New Zealand) exist in alpine, montane, or subalpine regions across the globe. We’re still compiling information, but if you’d like to learn more now, check out the World Wildlife Fund’s description of this ecoregion.